MundakaBC, is the most interesting of my latest projects. In launching this company, Oskar Baraiazarra is stoked to be bringing the secrets of Mundaka and the Urdaibai natural reservation to the rest of the world. We’ll give you a little taste of her magic.
During times of tribulation they say not to make big moves. That’s what they say. Neither our small cooperative, Urdabai On, born in 2012, nor the founders of Mundaka Basque Country, created in 2013, have swallowed the kool-aid. I couldn’t be more thankful to MBC for allowing us to collaborate with their project through Ithaka Book Corner. It has been a sincere pleasure. May the journey to Ithaka be long and prosperous!
Mundaka BC has been a breath of fresh air in my life. When they presented me with the project, I didn’t have the slightest doubt that it was going to be a tremendous opportunity to show the meaning of the Basque Country and Mundaka, specifically, to the rest of the world. The City ofMundaka completely identifies with the brand; you can feel it in the people. Everyone so far has been head-over-heels in showing their thanks and massive support.
Several years ago, a seal visited Mundaka and dreamed of staying to live. From that moment on, several artists started to form a dream. A dream in which they would create and give life to an unusual space that was open to everyone. And they dream came true. “Do not consider yourself deprived because your dreams were not fulfilled; the truly deprived have never dreamed.” (Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach).