Maria Luisa Sorribes Peris, affectionately known as Luisa, takes us on a journey from her peaceful hometown of Artana to our Mundaka, a place she found by chance but that resonated deeply with her during her creative process. Through his books “Y SI PUDIERA…?” and “CON TU PERMISO” Luisa shares not only intimate stories, but also her love of life, literature, and human connection.

 His meeting with Mundaka during a trip to Bilbao was an unexpected turn that enriched his narrative. By writing about our town, Luisa not only wanted to weave a story, but also leave a mark on those who read her words. Mundaka became a significant setting in her work, inviting readers to explore its narrow streets and seascapes, feeling the same warmth and hospitality that Luisa experienced.

The presentation of his book “CON TU PERMISO” at Mundaka BC promises to be an event full of emotion and connection. Through her stories, Luisa reminds us of the importance of following our dreams, overcoming our fears and finding beauty in the most unexpected places. Her story is a reminder that sometimes life’s coincidences can lead us to wonderful discoveries and encounters that change us forever.

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