It was August 2013 when MUNDAKA BC opened. Although it seems to have always been open. At least in our imagination …

And here we are. Trying to put  Mundaka, Basque Country  and its culture, people, landscapes, lifestyle in the map, through our brand, MUNDAKA BASQUE COUNTRY (MUNDAKA BC). Each delivery we do, will take you  a bit of our land. Of our magic.

MUNDAKA BC is a trademark of Basque fashion. A Brand which is improving every day. Own collection and designs, special collaborations of Andoni Galdeano and Naiel Ibarrola, exclusive designs of Kukuxumusu, …You can find us in our Mundaka store and also online.

MUNDAKA BC is art. In our shop you will enjoy exhibitions (painting, photography …), book presentations, lectures, concerts, … And you´ll enjoy the pleasure of reading  in our Ithaka Book’s Corner.

MUNDAKA BC is Basque Country. Committed to our people. . Committed to Urdaibai, our Biosphere Reserve. Committed to our country. And our culture. We offer them to you …

And to celebrate these four years of life, we have prepared an exhibition (MBC EXPO) with all the images that we have hung in our networks, during this time.

We will inaugurate it on Friday, September 15. Do not miss it! Thanks for following us!

MBC EXPO from Mundaka BC on Vimeo.

#MundakaBC #BasqueClothing #BasqueArt #BasqueCountry #Mundaka #Urdaibai #Bizkaia #Euskadi #BasqueCountry

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